Voting on PIP-2 will commence at 13:00 UTC on Tuesday, 22 Oct 2024 on Snapshot.
Last week, we released a teaser post regarding our upcoming first reward campaign for PROS holders that participate in the protocol by voting on proposals and staking their tokens.
The initial plan had been to deploy the smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain for the first reward campaign. Since our teaser announcement, we have received early community feedback regarding potential gas costs—coupled with the volatility in gas prices on Ethereum we have observed in the past week, we therefore would like to lay out the potential options for deployment and have the community make the choice that they believe would best suit their needs.
PROS is currently available on both the Ethereum and BNB Smart Chain (BSC) blockchains. Launching a new native bridge between both chains has always been part of our original plan, with an estimated timeline for that of around mid-November.
While we are fully prepared to launch the first holders reward campaign on Ethereum by the end of October, given the latest context stated in the "Background" section above, we would like to present the following options for the community with key considerations for each.
Call to Action:
Community members are encouraged to participate in this vote to help decide on a key execution question for the holders reward campaign.
As always, we encourage all community members to DYOR ahead of casting your vote.
Be sure to follow the latest updates from https://www.prosper-fi.com/ and https://x.com/prosperfi_xyz. Community members are also encouraged to join the conversation on Telegram at https://t.me/prosperfi.